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Ph.D. History. University of Memphis (2019)

M.A. History. University of South Alabama (2013)

M.A. Film Studies. University of Iowa (2006)

B.A. History. Universidade Federal da Bahia (2002)


Lecturer. Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice. Faculty of Arts. University of British Columbia (Current)

Research Associate. SARChI Chair in South African Art and Visual Culture. Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture. University of Johannesburg. (July 2021-January 2022)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Gender and Sexuality. University of Memphis History Department

(January-December 2020)

Instructor. University of Memphis History Department (January–December 2020)

Instructor. Universidad de Monterrey. Art, Architecture and Design Center (August 2017 – December 2019)

Adjunct Instructor. University of Memphis History Department (January-May 2016)

Adjunct Instructor. University of Memphis Art Department (January-May 2013)



Introduction to Social Justice (University of British Columbia)

Critical Studies in Sexuality: Multi-disciplinary Approaches (Graduate - University of British Columbia)

Introduction to Trans* Studies (University of British Columbia)

Topics in Critical Studies in Sexuality: “Drag Around the World” (University of British Columbia)

Intersectional Approaches to Thinking Gender (University of British Columbia)

Critical Engagements in Sexuality Studies (University of British Columbia)

Introduction to Critical Studies in Sexuality (University of British Columbia)

History of Sexuality in the 20th Century US (University of Memphis)

The US Since 1877 (University of Memphis)

Philosophy of Design (Universidad de Monterrey)

Interior Design Seminar: Theorizing Living Spaces. (Universidad de Monterrey)

Video for Artists (University of Memphis)





Carnival in Alabama: Marked Bodies and Invented Traditions in Mobile. (University Press of Mississippi. February 2023)



Co-editor-in-chief Journal of Festive Studies (current)

Reviews Editor. Oral History (2020-2022)

Guest editor for Issue 3 of the Journal of Festive Studies: "The Materiality of Festivity." (2019-2021)



“Drag as Alabama Folklife.” TRIBUTARIES 18 (2025)

“Mobile, Alabama’s Joe Cain Procession: A Confederate Memorial or The People’ Parade?” Co-authored with Emily Ruth Allen. Journal of Festive Studies 3. Special Issue on "The Materiality of Festivity" (2021)

“On the Materiality of Festivity.” Journal of Festive Studies 3. Special Issue on "The Materiality of Festivity" (2021)

“‘Vamos estuprar toda essa maldita paisagem’ Deliverance, o Sul do ‘Sunbelt’ e a crise de masculinidade nos anos 70.” O Olho da História 26 (March 2018)

 “Never too big, never too much: how the Order of Osiris helped build a visible LGBTQ community in Mobile, Alabama,” Oral History. Vol. 46, No 1. (March 2018)

“Revisiting Deliverance: The Sunbelt South, the 1970s Masculinity Crisis, and the Emergence of the Redneck Nightmare Genre.” Study the South (June 2017)


“Queens and Kings of the South(s): Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Public Performances.” UBC. 9th Annual Contract Faculty Colloquium. (Vancouver, Canada. May 2024)

“Marked Bodies and Invented Traditions in Alabama’s Carnival.” Rethinking Carnival from the Pre-Modern to the Present Conference. Goethe-University of Frankfurt. Frankfurt, October 2023.

“Shifting points of reference while investigating Alabama’s Carnival.” Oral History Society Conference. (Virtual. July 2022)

"Local Strangers from Monterrey to Cádiz: Intersectional Feminist Dialogues on the Field.” Co-authored with and presented by Katerina Sergidou. European Social Science History Conference. (Virtual. March 2021)

“Monterrey no tiene el drag que merece, tiene el drag que necesita:” Regias del Drag y la “Vergüenza Nacional.” XIII Seminario Histórico LGBTTTI Mexicano. (Virtual. November 2020)

“’Memories of an alternate personality:’” negotiating intersubjectivity while interviewing drag queens and the people who embody them.” 2020 Oral History Association Annual Meeting. (Virtual. October 2020)

“'Monterrey doesn’t have the drag it deserves, it has the drag that it needs:’ the politics of performing gender in Northern Mexico." 67th annual conference of the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies. (Austin. March 2019)

“Same space/Different experiences: Memories of Post-WWII Downtown Mobile, Alabama.”  2019 Southern Historical Association Conference (Louisville. November 2019)

 “Divas, Régias, y Demoledorxs: Embodying gender normativity defiance in Monterrey, Nuevo León.” 66th annual conference of the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies. (Oaxaca. March 2019)

“What defines the interviewer’s subject position when a Bahian oral historian investigates Alabama’s Mardi Gras?” 2018 Oral History Association Annual Meeting. (Montreal. October 2018)

“Black Bodies in a White Spectacle: Using Mardi Gras to Understand Racial Relations in Mobile, Alabama.” European Social Science History Conference 2018. (Belfast. April 2018)

“La importancia del Carnaval y de la historia oral para el rescate de la historia LGBT de Mobile, Alabama.” XI Congreso Internacional de Historia Oral (Mexico City. July 2017)

“Never Too Big, Never Too Much: The Order of Osiris and the Emergence of a Visible LGBTQ Community in Mobile, Alabama.” 2015 Oral History Association Annual Meeting. (Tampa. October 2015)

“The Inbred Slasher Movie: How and Why the South of Moonlight and Magnolias was Replaced by the South of Moonshine and Inbred Maniacs in Popular Imagination.” 78th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association (Mobile. November 2012)

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